Hacker Feinmechanik among Bavaria’s strongest medium-sized companies

We are proud of the award from the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
Süddeutsche Zeitung identifies Bavaria’s strongest SMEs in 2023
The Süddeutsche Zeitung Institute has commissioned an analysis to determine the strongest medium-sized companies in Bavaria in 2023. SMEs play an important role in the German economy, as they account for a significant proportion of employment and value creation. The analysis was based on the IfM Bonn criteria catalog and included companies with between 1 and 499 employees and an annual turnover of between EUR 2,000,001 and EUR 50 million. The companies were assessed on the basis of various criteria such as employment trends, sales trends, payment method assessment, order situation and credit rating. Only the companies that met all the criteria were recognized as Bavaria’s strongest SMEs in 2023.
Hacker Feinmechanik GmbH is among the top 50 companies out of 2,281 medium-sized companies
238 out of a total of 2,281 SMEs made it into the top list of the ranking. Hacker Feinmechanik GmbH is among the top 50 companies in the ranking. Our company was also recognized for its stable order situation and very good credit rating, among other things. The companies mentioned pay their bills on time and are not experiencing a drop in turnover or staff numbers.
The ranking includes a variety of companies from the manufacturing industry, including construction, mechanical engineering, plastics manufacturing and agricultural machinery. Companies from the technology and food sectors are also represented.